– This is a great time to invest in health companies in Norway
Jeremy McCrohan is a busy guy. He is currently the Head of IR in Norway Health Tech, Head of Operations for the NHIN, CFO of PubGene, and works a lot with investors and companies within health in both Norway and abroad. In other words, he is the perfect guy to give some advice to European investors considering the Norwegian market.

Why should health investors look to Norway?
– It’s a great time to invest in health in Norway. A lot of international investors are looking at the country right now and a terrific amount of companies are coming out of the Oslo region and producing high-quality products and services. Norway has a small population that really cares about their health with a high tech adoption rate which makes it helpful for testing and proving within the country.
One of every three health startups is born global. This means that ideas, solutions, and products should be global from day one. Oslo provides a solid platform for groundbreaking ideas that can be implemented globally. Coupled with extensive Norwegian Government investment in population-based surveys and low barriers to access that data, you have a system set to high growth research and innovation.
**See the brand new website Invest In Health for more investment tips**
Why should they especially keep an eye on the Oslo region?
– A lot of the companies that are emerging from the health sector are currently based in Oslo. It’s a melting point for companies coming together and being supported by clusters and the Government with early-stage R&D – this makes it a good area to invest in.
What are valuable opportunities in the sector right now?
– There are plenty of opportunities to invest in the health sector in Oslo. The Government is supporting the increase in competition within the health sector and is proactive about collecting health data from its population. This generates a huge amount of statistics and some of the most comprehensive registries in the world for health data. This is obviously very helpful for research and innovation. Tapping into that data stimulates entrepreneurship and other valuable focuses on this sector.
A field that is currently up and coming is precision health and precision medicine. The same goes for women’s health. It’s still an underrated field hiding in plain sight. A lot of opportunities will likely emerge from it, the same goes for digital health surrounding the pandemic. This is something investors and companies are focusing on and patients, stakeholders, and clinicals are looking for solutions to.
Do you have an example of success cases in your sector?
– Vaccibody, now Nykode, is a terrific success case producing novel vaccines within the health sector. It’s one of the biggest IPOs in the health sector in Norwegian history, if not the biggest.
We also have other emerging companies that are up and coming, like Confrere in terms of secure video conferencing tech and Dr.Dropin in terms of shaking up the GP system and accessibility to GPs within Norway and beyond. These are some terrific companies paving the way for others to follow.
Where can investors go to find more information about investment opportunities in your sector?
– The attention in the region is growing and you still have a good opportunity to get in early before it takes off. The clusters are a great place to start, a lot of them offer their members list online, so you should have a look at those. Oslo Business Region also just opened a Dealroom startup database where you can have a look at the transactions within some of the companies. And of course, the Norwegian Health Investment Network is a great first touchpoint for investors curious about investing in health in Norway. We try to collect all companies that are emerging from the health sector for investors to come and look at, and develop relationships between them.
News and investment opportunities
BRAND NEW: The perfect guide for investing in Norwegian health companies
More information about investing in Oslo
Unique Network for investors:
As an investor, you can join for free the Norwegian Health Investment Network, where you can research med-tech and health-tech-related companies to find your best opportunity.
News and updates about health companies in Oslo
- Health and Life Sciences in Norway - Invest in Norway
- Invest in Oslo - Life Sciences & Healthtech Industry - Oslo Business Region
- Corona crisis spurs e-health boom - The Explorer
- A healthier old age with Norwegian technology - The Explorer
Various health investment opportunities:
Telehealth and digital solutions: Dr.Dropin, Hjemmelegene, Dignio, Diffia
Precision medicine: Bio-me, PubGene and others
Mental Health: Fourth Wave Therapeutics and Overvinne and others
Robotics: No Isolation, Hy5 and others
Health-focused clusters in the Oslo region
- Aleap
Interested in investing in health?
Contact Jeremy at the Norwegian Health Investment Network!
Jeremy McCrohan
Head of Investor Relations - Norway Health Tech
M. +47 9206 7388 | LinkedIn
Jeremy - This is a great time to invest in Norway. We got some terrific bargains to be had in Oslo.
The Norwegian Health Investor Network is a premier deal-sharing and collaboration platform designed to uncover and showcase the best health-focused companies and provide an arena for investors to engage with them. As well as trying to match investors and companies, we also run various events throughout the year to help inform both investors and companies on health investing and keep them updated on what’s trending across the sector.
How to Join?
If you’d like to be part of this exciting, growing community, the best way to join is to go to their website to learn more.
Check out the peer-created guide for investing in med-tech, health-tech, and care-tech companies in Norway.

Invest in businesses in Oslo
Some of the good reasons for doing business in Norway are the high level of education, high productivity, and a longstanding culture of innovation. Norway has one of the world’s strongest economies. High priority is given to knowledge development, innovation, technology, and while creating a sustainable and green business sector.
Norway is a world leader in the oil and gas, energy, maritime, and seafood sectors, but also offers sectors where they are creating innovative and groundbreaking solutions and services to solve the SDGs. Medtech, FinTech, Edtech, and other technology clusters are flourishing.
Find your next big investment success in the Oslo region.
Helpful reports
American Chamber of Commerce in Norway released a report in February 2022 titled "Multinational Healthcare Investment in Norway: Fulfilling Potential", stating that "There is [an] substantial growth potential for the healthcare sector in Norway, both in terms of quality of care for patients and in investment and export levels for the industry".
According to the Private Equity Funds in Norway Activity Report 2020 by Menon, Norwegian PE firms' investments for Life Science in 2020 was NOK 550 million and the number of investments by Norwegian PE Firms was 33.
The 2019 White Paper on the Health Industry presented by the Norwegian Government in 2019, can also be helpful to know of. It identifies a number of existing barriers and outlines areas for closer public-private collaboration.
In January 2021, the Norwegian Government also launched a new Action Plan for Clinical Trials for the 2021-2025 period, with the aim of jumpstarting this sector in the coming years.